We’re off and running!

The Bobbie Dooley Pooncast or Poncast (?) is off and running! (Steve walked by just now, saw that I wrote “pooncast” and immediately hit the floor on his back, rolling from side to side, laughing his fool face free so I guess it isn’t “pooncast.” I don’t give a f***) I am so excited to bring you my interviews with some of Hollywoods mostest interesting peoples. Patricia Arquette: What can you say but class, class, class. Lol. If I was a ‘citizen of Lesbia’ I’d make an honest woman out of her lol! Sugar Ray Leonard (is that it?): Such a delightful man and Steve said it was refreshing to meet a fighter who didn’t sound ‘punchy,’ whatever THAT means. Joel McHale: A challenge to be sure in as a much as he called me a crawling liar to my face but other that so talented and charming.. Kevin Pollak: An amazing man. Comic, actor, interviewer! My God, if Kevin ever got serious about the interview thing he’d be the guy to finally help us all forget Dick Cavett. Huh!? What about it!? Jay Mohr: what a rascal! Loved him! And I love him still even after the demands of that trip to Oakland. Chris D’Elia: Another animal from the east coast. Speaking of ‘animal from the east coast’ Craig Bierko, hello?! He’s so talented he scares his fans!

Well put them all together and what have you got? “Mmm/Hmm, The Bobbie Dooley Podcast.” I think it’s worth it to download moi once a week. Let me tell you, between you and me, it’s not about the artists and celebrities..,.. It’s about me. And occasionally but not often, Steve. 

By the way, not apropos of anything but the Carson’s and Megern’s  applied to our social events committee to have a blook party this evening in the Lilly phase. It’s now after midnight and I can still hear them wailing away like bush dogs with their music blaring and their big mouths flapping. I also heard the unmistakable cackle of Ellen Carson, Paul’s wife. Loud, high-pitched, annoying. So looks like I’m taking a walk all the way over to the Lilly phase to tell that trash to muffle it. Or at least Ellen. Lord have mercy.

All in a days work!

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