Welcome to the new “DAILY BOBBIE”

This is the new “Daily BOBBIE.” It will be my daily blog to let people know what’s going on in and around Western Estates, our gated community that is a Shangri-La from the reality of recession, failed business and all of the things we’re hearing so much about. I know, right? Knock wood. Also this is a blog about what I’m doing and the different projects that I’m doing.

For instance I’ll tell you about “The Circle Of Taste,” our exclusive group. We are a bit more knowledgeable about fashion and food and wine and health and travel and jewelry and perfume and shoes and dinner parties and everything than a lot of gals. A lot of gals want to join “The Circle Of Taste.” Well we currently have 5 gals with a waiting list of 671 so good luck, I guess. But we do alot of things for charity so please don’t think we’re stuck-up. A lot of gals are stuck-up but we’re not.

Three of my ‘besties” from The Circle Of Taste! Left to right, Carole Newburg-Gogolak, Lavendar Trail, Missy Christianson-Wang, Hydrangea Place and Veronica Martiin-Horn, Artichoke Circle

Another event I head is our nude walk for health. We walk the perimter of Western Estates once a year, basically following Lilly of the Valley until it dead-ends at Flax, take that to Daisy and then up Snakeroot. We walk it nude but only allow those gals that are the most fit. Yes, people have been upset by the notion of a nude walk but once I sat everyone down and explained to them that as the Homeowners Association president I can call on emergency powers, they all shut their faces. Okay? Why a nude walk? It raises money for charity. How? That’s what people always ask. How does it raise money for charity? It’s the stupidest question. haven’t those people every heard of walks or runs for charity? You go on a walk or a run and people donate because they’re impressed with you walking or running. We do ours nude because people are obviously going to be more impressed. I mean I think that’s how it works but, you know what, if you don’t know Google it or something. I know it has to do with people being impressed with you and saying “Oh, I want to donate because they’re walking and I’m not doing anything but pulling needed air from someone else.”

Sometimes also we’ll advertise “SD Landscapes,” my husbands wildly successful landscaping business. Here’s my husband Steve now to tell you more:

“Thanks to you Bobbie. I’m Steve Dooley. If you want your yard looking so good you’ll think you’ve come home to the wrong house and also think you’re breaking into the wrong house and eating dinner in the wrong house and everything then call SD Landscapes. We’ll have your yard and anything else you got feeling good and also looking good I mean.”

Thanks Steve. Okay I’m bored to death already. Ciao!

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