We Get Letters….

We receive a great many e-mails. Got this one this morning from a long time fan and wanted to share it because beside the ‘lingo’ being amusing something else is evident that is sort of standard with these guys: He wants us to believe he ‘represents’ a lot of people which he does not. It’s just him being upset and not wanting to give away the fact he only represents two…. Himself and his dick.


The e-mail is also clearly a threat. Here it is below: 


“This is nothing racist my man, but I’ve been trying to get a couple of my friends at the office into you and this @#$-%-er music you’re pulling out for the preshow every night ain’t exactly making it easy…I think they might be getting the wrong idea, if you know what I mean.

Remember what color your own skin is and let’s be a bit more respectful of your target demographics and you’ll be just fine. I know you don’t want to lose us 😉
Take care of yourself, padna!
 – Big Daddy”

Blow it out your ass Big Daddy 

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