The Western Estates Sign Vandalized…Cuntington Nephews Suspected

Hello everyone, this is Bobbie Dooley and this is the Bobbie Dooley blog. I’m sorry I haven’t been blogging lately but I’ve been busy podcasting! You got that right! All the excitement of what goes on at Western Estates is now available as a podcast daily! But I do promise to be blogging more but also podcasting more too. Oh well. As Steve says I’m like a one legged man in a three legged man contest. You know? As many of you may know we had vandalism at our main front gate. The Cuntington’s had their nephews in last weekend, Karl, Eric and Amon and they stole all the letters from our Western Estates sign except the ‘W’ and the ‘e’s’. So when you drove in you saw We  e  n E    E. Basically, ‘weenee.’ I found the ‘r’ and as a way of sticking it to the boys for their lack of spelling skill placed it so that it read ‘Weeneer.’ I saw Darla Cuntington later at Bristol Farms and kidded her about the boys not being able to spell and she goes ‘well neither can you. It’s spelled ‘weiner.’ And I go ‘get you, knowing how to spell ‘wiener.’ And I just laughed, popped a tic tac, wheeled and walked to the checkout stand. And so it goes when someone tries to one-up the HOA president. And as Steve says that’s just another day at the office. Anyhoo, with the Fall-tacular coming this weekend. We’ll talk soon! Trust me! 



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