The Daily Dooley Or The Daily Bobbie…Ta-Ta, LOL ™

Whether it’s the Daily Dooley or the Dailey Bobbie, you can be sure to be up to the date on all the up to the minute news from our house and from our gated community, Western Estates! Here’s a walk through my day:

7:15am Took a meeting with Jerrad Cleanman from the Pone Agency…we’re working on our coming spring slogan for Western will appear in print ads promoting our community as “great living” but naturally we’re sold out. It’s simply to keep our attractiveness going.. The slogan is “Meet us at the Estates…Western Estates, that is…” I love it!

7:17 Met with Carol Shumann-Heink to go over new purchases for the club veranda….I want umbrellas and I want bistro tables, you know? I love bistro tables because I just do.

7:25 Steve back at the house washing up. He was out early laying in fertilizer at the Cuntington’s. Oh he wasn’t washing up because of the fertilizer. He was washing up because Della Cuntington, one of the two sisters that live there, has a real serious thing for Steve and I told him to go ahead if it makes her happy and keeps their sizable HOA fees coming throught the door. We don’t have an open marriage but, yes, we do believe in mercy sex and we feel it does help a great many people.

7:30 Went back to bed!

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