Ted Bell: “Why Wasn’t I Told”

Uh, I’m Ted Bell. They tell me the cap got put on that well. That’s nice. Why I wasn’t given the heads up on that is beyond belief. I make it my business to cultivate friends in the media because they are generally people who have a pipeline to what’s going on. One of those people is..thank you…Phil Hendrie. And yet I have to log onto his web site to find out BP has capped this thing AND that the price of BP stock has started to climb. I don’t care if Mr. Hendrie has a radio show to do or if he has bills to pay or if he has to, you know, as the saying goes, see a man about a dog. When he has potentially lucrative information…strike that…nothing potential about it..when he has lucrative information like this BP well cap and he doesn’t have the common decency to punch on his phone and give me a friendly “drop dead” I don’t know what. He could have called and farted into the phone, screamed, laughed, thrown the phone out of a moving car. That’s how good I am at picking up the cues and reading between the lines. I can hear the sound of a phone being thrown from a car and I know that means BP stock is priced right—jump it, climb it, grunt on it. Sorry for the crudity. But what’s crude is me knowing that BP stock was priced right and I didn’t strike when I had the chance because Phil Hendrie..of the WORLD FAMOUS PHIL HENDRIE SHOW….decided to let me rot in the Okee-fu-Stupid swamp. I’m Ted Bell

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