Show Log For Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tonight, on this anniversary of his tragic death, Bobbie Dooley and her husband Steve came on to talk about John Lennon and to talk about the influence of the man and his music. Ms Dooley had John Lennon’s song “Imagine” played, both by Mr. Lennon and by the cast of “Glee.” While Ms Dooley recognized Mr. Lennon’s enormous talents she told Phil that the cast of “Glee” actually did the song better because ” their voices quaver, up and down, you know what I mean” and they have better technology. Mr Lennon, Ms Dooley said, sang “Imagine” like “he was standing next to Lincoln in his famous dream looking at himself in a coffin.”  

Later Jeff Dowder, a part-time professor of mechanical physics at Cal Tech and an amateur nutritionist, talked about McDonalds bringing back the McRib Sandwich, a pork sandwich which in Mr. Dowder’s opinion is sure to inflame Muslims. Mr. Dowder told Phil that the scent of pork “wafting” under the nose of a Muslim is sure to set him off “like in “Lord of the Flies,” stripping off his shirt and dancing around a bonfire.”

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