Show Log For Wednesday, December 4, 2013

                  According to Bobbie, these two beasts were swinging with each others husbands (the dorks on either end)

Phil had a bout of insomnia and so had to have Bobbie Dooley fill in tonight. Bobbie and husband Steve brought on as their first guest Amalio Fandango, the head of security at Western Estates, who talked about peeking in bedroom windows as a way of making sure everythings good both inside and outside the home. Later Dean Wheeler was on from his Wheeler Spa in Novato, CA giving meditation lessons to his “$900 a night guests” 

Bobbie finds out the song “Afternoon Delight” by what she calls “The Starland Bacon Band” is about swinging and she is sickened at the thought of “those two hogs licking their lips over Steve.”