Show Log For Wednesday. December 15, 2010

Tonight Robert Green from Frazier Foods talked about this tough economy…a tough economy for his employees since he, himself, is doing fine. He just bought a CL600 Mercedes and a $2,000 designer bag for his fiance. But Bob knows his employees need to be inspired even when he’s laying them off.  So he thinks parking his Mercedes near the front door will “give them inspiration. That car is worth more than your house…but someday you may park one just like it,” says Bob.

In the second hour Stepehn Bosell of Corona, California told us he got a shock today. He was on his way to a school carnival with his wife and kids when he saw Mark Zuckerberg staring back at him from the cover of Time as Time Magazines Person of the Year. Steve felt insulted as a man pushing 40 that all he does in this world and all that other men do in this world takes a back seat to a guy almost half their ages making millions on a website that lets people play “Farm Land and pick up women.” Steve says that while he tries to “make sure my kids have underwear to wear to school Mark Zuckerberg is in VIP doing jello shots off of chicks boo….chicks boaa..chicks…”*

*Mr. Bosell, because his mother burned him with cigarettes, can’t say the word “boob”

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