Rare shot of Art Griego fucking around with his phone in flight while working as a commercial pilot
Phil introduces the show to a new time slot and talks with Margaret about how offensive Chris Pootay’s lead-in show, “Morning Becomes Putay,” was. Margaret took exception to Chris telling everyone that even though the word “Pootay” sounded like it was semen…it wasn’t. Bobbie Dooley’s interview with the Sklar Brothers kicked off. Also Art Griego joined the show to offer up his theory of “pilot stress” as the reason for the missing Malaysian flight. The pilot couldn’t take the yapping flight attendants so he flew off somewhere quiet, with no radar, and flew it right straight into the ocean..just like John Kennedy Jr. did… Art mentioned he had to put up with similar things when he flew. One flight attendant kept coming into the cockpit showing him her large breasts and he said “it was very distracting. And I was also trying to finish up an EA baseball game.”
Tomorrow part 2 of the Sklar Brothers with Bobbie Dooley and Phil tears the radio business a new ass because it’s fun and other talent likea to hear him do it.