Opie and Anthony
The show started with Margaret’s usual opposition to the music Phil plays on the show but General Shaw said that when he hears deathcore metal it shows him there are still things worth fighting against…
David G. Hall commented on what Opie can do now that he is no longer teamed with Anthony, including staying with Anthony and movng the whole show to the digital platform…
Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police discussed new TSA rules regarding phone and laptops with dead batteries. Jay also was contending with “L’s Palsy,” a condition whereby you swallow your L’s to the point of strangling.
Congratulations to Triggermouse, today’s qualifier for the VIP package to Phil’s July 30 show. Get a Backstage Pass to the Phil Hendrie Show and for 9.99 a month get over 10,000 hours of classic archived shows going back 15 plus years, every gejneration o0f the Phil Hendrie Show…..