Show Log For, Friday June 4, 2010

Our show tonight featured a tribute to John Wooden, the late basketball coach of UCLA, sort of. Ted Bell sponsored the first hour and a half and was put off by all the praise pouring in for Mr. Wooden. “I invented the foil wrapped potato and yet people have more respect for a guy who taught 20 year old men how to put on socks.” Chris Norton, telemarketerm adult film actor, aspiring porn producer and blogger joined the show to explain how it is Rush Limbaugh is marrying a woman who is “sort of hot” in Chris’ words. “It mus’ be abuse ’cause she woulda marrried a better looking guy with more sessual energy.” When asked why Heidi Klum was with Seal, Chris said it was because Seal got scarred, in a rite of passage to manhood, “giving a beat down to a chimp in the high weeds outside his village.”

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