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Bobbie Dooley told Phil tonight that people are going to now regret the horrible things they said about "JoPa," Joe Paterno that is, since he's been diagnosed with cancer. "Their horrible accusations will make the cancer grow and eat his brain." Chris Norton, aspiring adult film star and filmmaker, came under fire tonight for saying that while he's produced "The Anal 8" a  porn superhero film, "Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt 1" is the real porn since it's slicked up porn for teenagers. Norton maintained that kids, after watching humans "have ses" with vampires, will go out into the night looking for rabid dogs to "have ses with and get the Rage Virus."

Ep. 3374

Steve Bosell plays a tape of him being slapped

Ep. 2214

Another Christmas Carol show only this time the panel takes our traditional holiday favorites and turns them inside out.
Bobbie and Steve Dooley tonight mentioned their Summer-tacular dance competition featuring 6, 7 and 8 year old girls as if it was an artistic and classy demonstration. Among the featured dance moves were "The Spread," "The Full-Spread," "The Three-Quarter Spread," "Junk In The Trunk," "The Tail Gunner," and "The Lay-Out." Larry Grover joined is for a discussion of Congressman Mark Souder, who has resigned after it was revealed he'd had an affair with a staff member. Larry has had it with fellow Christian conservatives failing morally. he thinks the best thing for Souder is to be slapped and thenj back-handed and the best thing for the woman involved is to have her head shaved. Larry also revealed that he bolted a cage around his own manhood as a way of teaching himself not to say the words "boobs" or "tits."
A lot of stuff tonight as Margaret Grey questioned the wisdom of Sarah Palin getting breast implants in light of the fact many of her supporters are right-wing Christians. Lloyd came on to say he will still vote for Palin but now for the wrong reason... he'll vote for her because he's aroused, not because he thinks she's a good or great leader... Jack Armstrong, liberal blogger believes Obama has now shown how strong a leader he can be by announcing sanctions against Iran. Jack told Phil he hounded a mutual friend out of a restaurant in St, Paul, screaming at him that BP screwing up will create more government regulation, not Obama... David G. Hall called in with listener Dr. Jim Sadler to correct Phil's pronunciation of Carly Fiorina's name....and then Phil got into it with Bud and Robert on a number of issues including whether teens should worry about having big parents or teen worries should be BIG AMONG parents...

Ep. 521

Margaret talks about the deception in the commercials... no farmer girls look that good. Convicted pervert now research assistant Herb Sewell guests. He feels Bill Cosby gave us "quality laughs for a lotta years and that oughta be worth something." And Mavis Leonard hires Austin Amarca to do some cabinet work in her kitchen even though she's a Christian and assumes Amarca's love of wrestling means he's gay.
Tonight, Charlie LeFountaine on NPR and losing his job and Prof. Emory Clayton on Christian oppression and the Muslim name he made up for himself-Jamal Mohammed.
Tonight it was Bill Dutton, a former producer and engineer for some of the top bands of the sixties and seventies, defending Chris Brown. "Many of my wives and girlfriends looked like that picture of Rhianna on a Monday morning but still benefited from my earnings." We also had the boys, Curt Queedy and Guy Barton, from the West Virginia statehouse saying the draft should be reinstated so Kurt's son Taylor can "man up" and put away the "muscle magazines.
Tonight, Ray Burger of the Love On Course Brotherhood, a fellowship of Christian men who "were gay but are now cured" talked with Phil about touring area high schools, showing young men gay porn and then watching how they react. If they "still don't get how bad gay sex is then we do one on one work." The following hour Vernon Dozier, the new security director at Belmay Academy. tells Phil about a drill he staged. It's had to describe but it included an Asian talking to himself, a girl in a wheelchair rolling down some stairs and a water pistol.
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