Search Results for: Chris Norton – Page 21

Ep. 2704

Phil interviews Ed Elcott and Gloria Grover about their “blending”

Ep. 915

Bobbie and Steve Dooley have opened up their lake house for the summer. Mavis Leonard and her late husband had a house on the same lane but they sold it when "the creep factor" got too much.

Ep. 2695

It’s “The Best of Tub,” another Rory MacLeod Production

Ep. 1252

John Jerryman, retired musical theater artist and friend of Margaret’s serenades the old ladies. Raj Feneen and his son Todd hate the Chargers. David G Hall rips into Phil.

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Porn star Garrett Thermometer Tonight it was a phantasmogoria of lights and twirling weirdness. Doug, wait a minute, Father James McQuarters commented on Whitey Bulger going down for the count. The Father doesn't like Whitey but loved "The Departed." Later Chris Norton discussed his first directorial effiort in the adult film field.."Lust Makes The World Go 'Round" (It might also be called "Lust On The Sun") The film will have a real cavalcade of talent: Danny Bratwurst, Sylvia Cavity, Garrett Thermometer (He takes their temperature) Pete Package, Bob Flank Steak and of course Bottled Water Girl......because "she comes in the back door..." A debate about, what else, health care featured, who else, Larry Grover and Dean Wheeler and, as fate would have it, Dean is calling from the set of Chris' movie where Dean's wife Emerelda is about to take on Garrett Thermometer
SHOW LOG FOR FRIDAY MAY 30, 2014 Margaret was bitching about how she didn't get her VIP pass to Phil's show at the Hollywood Improv as quickly as some of our winners get their coffee mugs, even one of the guys who won this morning. And they discussed the controversial nature of the VIP giveaway this morning...(listejn to the pre-show) Chris Norton joined the program to talk about a new restaurant he's opening, based on Tex-Mex cuisine. Only he calles it Mex-Tex or "Mess-Tess." The restaurant will feature wifi enabling patrons to "sext" each other, send sexual texts. Hence the name Sext-Tex. Or as Chris calls it "Sexx-Tess." Whatever. Don Berman was afforded another appearance on the show this morning due to technical malfunctions yesterday morning. What Don chose to talk about was the sale of the Clippers for 2 billion and of course carved it up and wound up hanging up on Phil. Did we use the word 'up' enough?  
A special hour-long Classic Podcast features Chris Norton as the producer of a pilot for a new reality show, "Diet Island", a takeoff on "Temptation Island". The prize to the lady who can shed the most pounds? Why, it's Chris himself, of course!   CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW!

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We welcomed on the show tonight Chris Norton who, reluctantly, has taken Rep. Gabrielle Giffords off of his blogs'  "Movers and Shakers" list. Outraging Phil and his audience, Chris said he had to do it because the pictures of her released after leaving the hospital showed "eye crimp, head dent and sag." Next up, it was retired attorney Harvey Weirman discussing what Anthony Weiner's next move should be. Harvey doesn't think quitting or even arrest is the answer. "What if it was Abraham Lincoln that tweeted his thing? What then?" Later, Harvey had his butler George draw him a bath and then went through his nightly aversion therapy ritual that helps him stay off of cigars....heating soup to boiling and then pouring it into his underwear.
Hour 1: Phil starts out the hour talking about the passing of the healthcare bill. Justin McElroy is happy that this vote is happening. Older people just don't get it. He wants all his friends to go down to Washington DC to support the senators, but not to tell their parents because they won't let the kids go. Hour 2: Justin McElroy continues his commentary. Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon separate. The parents of the Balloon boy are sentenced to jail. Phil talks about Tiger Woods, and Freedom from religion. Hour 3: A Phil Hendrie Christmas Carol with: Bud Dickman as Ebenezer Dickman, Phil Hendrie as Bob Cratchit, Margeret Grey as Mrs. Cratchit, R.C. Collins as Tiny Tim, Dave Oliva as Fred, Bobbie Dooley as the Ghost of Christmas past, Ted of Beverly Hills as the Ghost of Christmas present, Robert Leonard as Jacob Marley, Herb Sewell and Raj Fahneen as The Portly Gentlemen. Phil then plays Fairytale of New York by The Pogues
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