RC Collins says he wants to hang hard like a real soldier so he and other cadets “drank gin form the bottle…. Show Log For Monday December 19, 2011

Bobbie and Steve Dooley joined the show to talk about Bobbie heading up a delegation of high school students to visit South Korea with the hope of traveling to North Korea and expressing their sorrow at the death of Kim Jong Il. Bobbie says she isn’t worried about being arrested by North Korean border gaurds. “I’m the mother of three teenage sons and I haven’t met a z****rhead yet that scares me.”

RC Collins, second from right, and other cadets hammered on gin last Friday night

Next up RC Collins says he wants to hang hard like a real soldier so he and other military academy cadets “drank gin form the bottle, took off our shirts” and went out joy-riding last Fiday night.

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