Wednesday, October 7, 2009

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Hour 1: Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins said the Great White Hope comment was not about Obama. Phil takes some phone calls, then there's some commentary. An Idaho republican makes Obama tags joke about President Obama. David G. Hall calls in to the show from a radio convention. He's pitching Phil's show to some affiliates calling Phil's show Libservative. Part liberal, part conservative.

Hour 2: First half of this hour is a Best of from the second half, hour 2 of August 11, 2009 Second half of this hour is a Best of from the second half, hour 2 of July 30, 2009.

Hour 3: Nancy Pelosi says that people are Un-American for protesting the healthcare plan, then he gives some commentary. The second half of this hour is a Best of from the second half, hour 2 of July 28, 2009.


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