Wednesday, October 6, 1999

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Hour 1:

"You're Socially Retarded" Drummer Jeff Dowder joins the program to explain that it isn't socially acceptable for any man, namely Phil, to wait past the age of 30 to get married. Jeff is currently 28 and single, but expects to find and marry the right girl by the time he's 30. The right girl will wear short skirts, tight tops, sell t-shirts and break down his drum kit after his band's shows.

Hour 2:

Phil talks about how much he hates bumper music, Dr.Laura, and shooting raccoons with b.b. guns. Phil talks about house parties, the movie "3 Kings", pot smoking parents, and Bob Dylan.

Hour 3:

"A Good What-For" Lloyd talks about what you don't do to sleeping veterans after a trip with his best friend got violent. It turns out his buddy Warren was flicking matchbooks and coins at him to stop him from snoring, but Lloyd then grabbed a handful of his friend's shirt and explained that no "monkey" puts their hands on him. Lloyd has seen a man killed by a nickel.


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