Wednesday, October 24, 2012

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Phil was joined tonight by Karen Deaville and her weird brother-in-law Jerry and husband Herb as she asked Phil and his listeners to support Family Day at the Vidalia, Georgia Work Camp where her brother Billy is serving a twenty year stretch for second degree murder. She also said later they'll move to the violent offenders segregated unit where she says she'll serve "my crumbcake!"

Also Dave Oliva came on board to talk about police methods in this day and age of prevention as well as capturing perpetrators after the fact. Dave wants to be a police officer and to enforce the law but he said he also has what he called "my stash" of methods, one of which is bending a guys finger back "till he gives."

Pastor William Rennick yelled at Phil for bothering him at bedtime to answer a question about religious symbolism. "I was in my pajamas, had my reading material and my David Lee Roth podcast and then you call!"


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