Wednesday, November 28, 2012

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Austin Amarca was back on to conclude his comments from last night about the "industrial sized drum of Vaseline" that Phil claimed was ordered up by Pirate Bay. Austin also spoke about some tradesmen working the same construction jobs as him playing religious tapes loudly while they work. Austin generally has "some Paw, Anthrax or Cyreth Ungal" to blast back at them.     

Powerball numbers were drawn today and there were winning tickets sold in Arizona and Missouri. Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police discussed the CAP's effort at insuring people know they haven't got a prayer of winning.. ...We also got some news on the CAP stopping and searching shopping bags carried by teenage girls because it was one such "sack of sin" that ruined Jay's first marriage....

Harvey Weirman attempted to give financial advice from the Rio in Las Vegas on what to do with Powerball winnings but kept stopping his waiter to get a drink order right. "Hey, you with the hair. I want three fingers of Dewars on the rocks and keep that ginger ale out of it."


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