Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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Hour 1: Dr. Jim Sadler comes on the show to talk about the Fort Hood shooting. He says this happened because of the Muslim cartoons. The Muslims gave us lead time to take these cartoons out of circulation. One of them might have leaked through.

Hour 2: Jeff Dowder joins the show to talk about the new game Call of Duty 4. He admires terrorism as a political tool. By playing Call of Duty you can be a terrorist and still stay alive and not get arrested. Jeff thinks that when people watch him play the game, people are terrorized.

Hour 3: Phil starts out playing a bunch of clips of guys getting tazed. A guy in Utah sues the police department after being tazed 6 times. Carrie Prajean goes on Larry King. Lou Dobbs is quitting CNN. Phil reads some news then the stories we couldn't get to.


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