Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Our first guest this evening was Ray Burger from the Gay Power Trip bus tour currently making it's way across the coutry. Ray explained that the purpose of the bus trip was to explain the "gay lifestyle" to middle schoolers (part of the presentation was the 'gay kiss" episode of "Glee") and to recruit as many as they could to "enhance their political power." When told by a caller that being gay was no more a choice that being a Native-American Ray countered that "that guy from 'Dances With Wolves' was an honorary Indian!"

Following Ray was the esteemed Professor Don Micksa from the University of Washinton. Micksa was condemning a recent rash of student cheating at the University of Central Florida and was unhappy about the same thing happening in his class. The only problem was the cheating students in his class were turned in by 'this Tea Partier who wears a three-cornered hat and puts up flyers around campus advertising Bush and his new book." Micksa called the student an outsider and said he was messing with Micksa's "tribe." When it comes to turning in cheating students "I'll do it thank you very much, not some rat punk messing with my people."


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