Wednesday, March 15, 2006

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Hour 1:

Phil talks about the upcoming My Friends Place Poker tournament on May 27th at the Bicycle Club. Phil speaks with Mark Tolin who was kidnapped in Iraq. Mr.Tolin complains that the captors forced him to drink Iraqi beer and wouldn't let him use the internet. Vernon Dozier doesn't understand why Phil is hosting an event at a bicycle club.

Hour 2:

Grocery store owner Bob Greene is tired of "looking the other way" when younger couples come in and buy items like whipped cream, which are often used for sexual purposes. Bob wants the right to walk directly up to these customers and ask them what they plan on using them for.

Hour 3:

Phil talks about the Poker tournament, meeting with David Brinkman of My Friends Place, H.R. Geiger and the "Alien" movies, and plugs the upcoming webcast on March 31st. Phil talks about the usernames on and the tornadoes in Illinois.


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