Wednesday, March 1, 2006

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Hour 1:

Jeff Dowder claims pureeing hallucinogenic mushrooms will cure cracked feet. Lloyd Bonifide makes the puree and gets high. The Elliot Vaneer show: Elliot was diagnosed with AIDS today! Dean is looking for the Hollywood Sign, Margaret Gray calls in to help. Phil thinks we are the most advanced species in the universe.

Hour 2:

Jay Santos joins the program to talk about the "Citizens Auxiliary Police Basketball Follies," an entertainment/comedy basketball team he has devised that performs at high schools around Southern California. Jay discusses the fact that after their performances they'll often meet up with the kids (most of which happen to be girls) and take them out for some fast food in their convertibles.

Hour 3:

Steve Bosell is suing Herbal Essence Shampoo because he says the commercials that show a woman moaning pleasurably as she shampoos with the product send the message that women don't need men "just a locked door and en electric toothbrush."


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