Wednesday, July 9, 2014

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The Show (from this point to be capitalized) started with a review of House of Pain (“They’re not Irish, they’re Serbian”) and the Dr. Ed Elcott Show that filled in on Tuesday. “He looks like some real creep to me, creeping around all over the place.”

Phil talked about the hate mail he’s gotten over his opinion of the Opie and Anthony situation. “If you hate me the best solution to that problem is to stop listening to me.” News flash…. Phil remembered his days in Minneapolis when a local columnist thought he was a racist for doing an “urban black voice.”

Five more Backstage Pass members qualified for a shot at the Phil Hendrie One-Man Show VIP package for July 30th: JoeyInTucson, DebbyHelf, BoscoH, SusanMaxwell, and JimSunrise.

Episode 159 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.


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