Wednesday, July 5, 2017

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Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Phil welcomes everyone back from the Fourth weekend. General Shaw is angry over what he calls “the drunks and phonies who claim to love the country but are blowing themselves up like amateurs and don’t know how to display the flag properly.” Dave Oliva joins the show but gets lost in a description of his screwy classes at LA Canyon College. Plus, Dr. Jim Sadler. This is an encore show from July 5, 2016.

The BSP Classic Hour is from May 2001. Brad Riffkin starts the show by saying that Italians don’t mind being called Dego or Wop or Guinnea. You can’t call Jews “kike” or blacks the “N” word, but you can call the Dego oily.

Episode 939 of The New Phil Hendrie Podcast


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