Wednesday, July 21, 2010

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Don Micksa, professor of engineering at the University of Washington was on the show to discuss a new class he is teaching at the U on the "evolution of men." See, the way the professor figures it, Mel Gibson is "free" in so much as he is able to tell a "piece of ass" like Oksana Grigoreiva to get lost. "The average man wouldn't have the guts to tell a rear end like that to hit the road. We come home to what we come home to and we'll never upgrade unless we try and better ourselves." Don thinks Gibson's outburts against Grigoreiva show men what real freedom is....

Larry Grover joined Phil in the second hour to comment on the recent GOP caucaus supporting the Tea Party and denying it is racist. Larry claims he's not racist either, he just wants to see "whites get everything blacks get. Free cars and free houses." Larry says he'd support Michelle Bachmann "if she wasn't Jewish." Even though Jews and Catholics are white they aren't "White Anglo-Saxons" and don't listen to Ray Conniff records. An example of Ray Conniffs music is included in tonight's show log so the listener can further educate his or herself.


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