Wednesday, July 20, 2005

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Hour One:

Harvey Weirman talks about the great acting families, including the "Lewis Family, Jerry, Geoff and Daniel Day-Lewis." RC calls and says Harvey is an idiot and Harvey gets off the phone and drives to RC's house with a broom handle.....A classic flashback featuring a bit we did about James Doohan 5 years ago....Phil reads an e-mail from a guy who is going to write the FCC and bitch about something we did....Bob Hope comes on an congratulates Bush for nominating a white guy to the Supreme Court. Bob calls it "refreshing...."...

Hour Two:

Austin Amarca talks about "Camp Troubled Eagle" where he trains children in how to recognize perverts and predators.....

Hour Three:

Margaret Grey, in order to cover for Phil who she claims has "the squirts" comes on and sings "Midnight Train to Georgia."....Margaret then reports that Colin Farrell wants a video of him having sex with some ditz kept out of circulation because "as anyone knows who's been to any parties with him over the last five years, he has a little tiny....." and then her voice trails off....Phil talks about the 23rd Old Boot in Ireland.....Phil raps about Pat O-Brian and his coke-fueled bullcrap including a skit where Pat's agent tells him "you're going out to that dry-out place in Malibu where'll they'll strip you down, throw you in a cage, hose you off and feed you chopped meat in a bowl for weeks while you sweat it out..."...The Cowboy Jim Show has Jim distracted by one of the mothers in the audience while he is teaching kids how to treat snakebite....Phil announces his new blog,


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