Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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We opened the show tonight with a discussion of John Boehner, the new Speaker of the House. Raj Feneen of Immigrants For Americas Rebirth had a laundry list of things wrong with Boehner, from the fact he said Saddam Hussein should "burn in hell" to the fact he said "God Bless You" to someone who sneezed. All of this is a violation of the separation of church and state, according to Mr. Feneen.

Margaret Grey is sick to death of the school districts of America and their CONSERVATIVE agenda as opposed to the school districts that have a LIBERAL agenda. One such school district in Texas was sent a series of death threats this week. Ms Grey said that she doesn't condone violence but it's hard not to act out. That's why she stood up in a parent/teacher meeting and said she would never hurt children but any stray dogs or cats she sees she'll run over. "I saw a German Shepherd, looked at Frank and said 'There but for the grace of God go you.' And then I floored it."


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