Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Bobbie Dooley was touting the book "The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" written by Amy Chua on the show tonight saying that the "Chinese way of raising kids is the right way," telling them they are fat, telling them they are lazy, criticizing work they have done. Bobbie says she never had problems with her kids because, as usual, they were exceptional but getting other women to read the book by insisting they stop and talk, even if she has to grab them by the arm, is essential to spreading "Amy's message.

Next hour liberal media pundit Charlie LeFountaine told Phil that on Super Bowl Sunday the American people will spend 10.1 billion dollars on festivities. "Why drink that money away when it could go toward the national debt," asked Charley. he even proposed an injunction against showing the game on TV and then levying a national emergency tax to collect that money. Instead, says Charlie, most people will spend the day the way his son will, sitting on the floor in an empty house except for a bean bag chair with the heating and water turned off watching some big screen he spent his money on and "drinking the day away."


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