Wednesday, January 14, 2004

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Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Hour 1: Bobbie Dooley is teaching neighborhood kids aggressive combat techniques, whether the parents like it or not.

Hour 2: “Phil Explains the Bullcrap With Frodo the Puppet.” In this flashback, student Justin McElroy says he’s sick of seeing 50-year-old moms eating salads in McDonalds, pretending to be MILFs and seeking teenage action. He’s written a column for the school newspaper called, “Just Be My Mom, Not A Piece of Ass.”

Hour 3: Bob Green doesn’t allow employees to microwave meals at his store because it’s usually a lot of garbage food. He says they become diabetic and turn into junkies, and you’d better not be “in the bathroom needling up on my time”.


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