Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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In our first hour we had Doug Dannger, gay man and gay journalist, explaing to Phil and his listeners that Lindsay Lohan, while in trouble constantly, does qualify for special treatment because "as an actor she entertains us and does public service things and charity things and obviously someone thinks she is worth a lot of money because look at the security she had at the courthouse." When asked who was more valuable to society, a woman that checks out groceries or Lindsay Lohan, Doug said Lohan because what she pays in taxes dwarfs what the check-out lady pays.

Next we had educator Don Micksa defending a Texas school district making Arabic studies mandatory for its students without first consulting the parents.  Parents should be consulted, said Don. But only after a couple of months so that the school can get the program up and running and "rooted." The parents will eventually storm the classrooms "like in Romper Stomper" turning over garbage cans and knocking down blackboards so the teachers have to be ready.


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