Wednesday, February 9, 2005

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Hour One

The show starts off with the Reverend Bible Bill van Boning auditioning some new Christian show that's based on sex. The producers threaten to throw him out so he decides to morph into Cowboy Jim....a kids show with a sexual attitude. This gets him thrown out. Little Judy Horrach calls in to win a Vermont Teddy Bear Pajama Gram. She's five but she has the voice of a 53 year old man. David G. Hall calls in to say he thinks the kid is bullcrap so Judy starts to cry until Phil gives her the Pajama Gram. David G. is still disbelieving.We play a listener request flashback, which is Art Bell interviewing Ted Williams head and after that Phil interviews Art Bell and G. Gordon Liddy, two guys who sound identical to each other. Bobbi Dooley, Viola Leveliere and Mavis all call in pretending to want to talk with Phil but in fact want a free Pajama Gram. Finally Monica from Upland wins it. In Letter To My Baby the due is telling his lost love they could have had it all if she hadn't eaten a box of Hostess mini-chocolates and set off the Fog Horn fat alarm at J'tiem Lingerie. Phil blathers about Iran having nukes and how that ought to be cool with everybody.

Hour Two

Margaret Grey is with the Women's Resolution Center. She comes on to explain that domestic violence in this country would decrease if women learned how to take a punch. She says they are out of condition and have lousy foot work. Women's Resource trainer Jim McDougal joins her and Margaret insists he hit her square on the chin, a knockout punch, to show how she has learned to take one. He belts her and sends her flying down some stairs.

Hour Three

Jeff Dowder opens the hour with another episode of Extreme Nudity. This week Jeff along with Chris Sorensen and Toby Beau are hiking some volcanic rock in Fiji with their guide, all of them nude. One false move and they go tumbling down volcanic rock that is as sharp as glass. Sure enough, Chris Sorensen, after twisting one up, falls down the rocky face of the volcano, screaming as his you know what gets sliced up. Phil then reminds the audience that Comb-Over Boys show is so lame even Comb-Over knows it. He goes on to say that the people who listen to 'Boy's show are lame and that his listeners are far superior people in terms of intelligence and sense of humor. Then David G. Hall comes on and tells Phil to give away the second Pajama Gram to any "broad" who can guess his middle name (It's Gambino and no one does) Christian Lee the homeless guy calls from New York to sing a Hawaiian love song on the bongos but someone steals his drums. Phil then continues his campaign to have the slow asses move out of the fast lane or face an ultimate Armageddon. Then Phil reads an e-mail from a guy who says his brother believes Phil is a genius who's show could be therapy for people with deep depression. Bud tells Phil he thinks its bullcrap.


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