Wednesday, December 19, 2001

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Hour 1:

FIRST HALF. Don Carsey wants his neighbors to pay $2000 to keep a 24-hour emergency room open near his neighborhood in Malibu, which Don needs. A Milk Bottle and a Liver. SECOND HALF. Phil plugs Friday's webcast, battling LA traffic is tiring, remembers moving cheaply to Atlanta where a family was moving in a hotel and the husband was beating his wife. Phil takes calls.

Hour 2:

Dean Wheeler thinks that beating servants is normal for the Saudi culture and upper-class households in America. He had a wonderful sexual experience with an older Saudi princess. Phil closes ranting about how the US overlooks Middle East diplomatic license plates.

Hour 3:

FIRST THIRD. Dave Oliva comments on Pamela Anderson's custody battle. He says a nude model shouldn't be a mom. LAST TWO THIRDS. Flashback to Bobbie Dooley 2001-12-18b. Phil talks about a sexy Jehovah's Witness at the auto service waiting room. Phil on stupid media names.


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