Wednesday, August 3, 2005

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Hour 1:

Dr.Jeff Dowder's Workshop is giving away a $500 gift pack to any kid who can answer multiple choice questions about science.

Hour 2:

Brother Carpenter presents "Beating the Hell out of you" with Margaret Gray. Margaret sings Ave Maria. Bobbie Dooley comments on a woman who yelled at her in Spanish. Father McQuarters coverts to Muslim and becomes "Mohammed McQuarter." Bob Bakian talks about the very first cloned dog out of Korea. Margaret Gray wants to help Phil get Conan O'Brien tickets.

Hour 3:

Phil's friend shields his face from the grill. Coast to Coast with Art Bell: General Jameson finds out if we can clone Jesus. Phil rants on personal sex videotapes. Frank Gray has a lot of videotapes of Margarets ass. Phil recalls an old store with tons of periodicals.


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