Wednesday, August 24, 2011

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Well Dr. Ron Tarner was none too please Steve Jobs retired and said so to his students and Phil in our first hour. Ron told Phil that compared to Steve Jobs his students had "dead eyes, like the dead eyes of a corpse." He confiscated all PC's as an insult to Mr. Jobs and plans on selling them on EBay since all they are good for is "picking up men on the MySpace."

Vernon Dozier recounted the story of his marriage to Amber, 30 years his junior and the opposition he got from her family. Her brother Ray said that Vernon was "some kind of exotic freak." Vernon told Phil he got his revenge. Following the Virginia quake, Vernon told Ray, who lives in Virginia with the rest of the family, to put together an earthquake preparedness kit. He'd need "two shower caps, a muffler, some duct tape, yogurt, a ceiling fan and a cap pistol." Vernon was sittinjg by the phone waiting for the first phone call of indignation to come in.


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