Wednesday, April 9, 2014

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The pre-show today is well worth it as Phil tears media and Mr. and Mrs. America a brand new ass.

On into the show there was discussion of new pings from the Indian Ocean as Art Griego stood on the runway in Santa Monica reporting. His boss, Bob Cumming had aircraft landing and taking off behind him “so it sounds like I’m actually in Perth, Australia.” Bud’s joke about May Pang’s family having been the main developers of the ping locator, thus missing the chance to call the company Pang’s Pings fell completely flat.

Vernon Dozier commented on the “pussies” now working in politics and how guys like Vance McAllister need to just take it like men. “If its caught in the meat grinder then brother, just keep it in there and crank away.”

Mavis Leonard talked with Margaret about not being sensitive to Robert and his rough background. “Robert was part of a street gang called the June Bugs. Not very bad ass.”

Bobbie Dooley wound up dropping both Steve and Gene Wiffner, who thought when Bobbie said she didn’t want the sound effect of a shotgun “cocking and firing she meant she didn’t want cock.” Steve chimed in saying “there aren’t too many women who want it more” and that’s when Bobbie brought the pain.

Episode 95 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.


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