Wednesday, April 28, 2010

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Started out with Bobbie and Steve Dooley explaining why they were leading a boycott against Arizona Iced Tea because of the Arizona immigration law. They did eventually find out that Arizona Iced Tea is made in New York but by then someone had called Bobbie a "slut" on her blog (she was wearing a two piece that showed ass-crack) and so Bobbie decided she would continue the boycott regardless of whether it had anything to do with Arizona, the immigration law or anything else. "You don't get between an dog and it's meat." The next hour Professor Emory Clayton of LA Canyon College explained that white people adopting black babies are responding to "DNA" and the need to keep a slave around. A child must do what they are told and they don't get paid so in Clayton's mind an adopted black child is ready made.  The professor had Bud play the song "Gone With The Wind." In the mind of a white person "gone with the wind" means you look up and your slaves are "gone with the wind, all asses and elbows." New York TV and radio personality Lionel guested in the last hour.


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