Tuesday, September 6, 2005

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Hour 1:

Frank Gray is once again getting his genders mixed up as he talks about Andrew Duggan, star of Bourbon Street Beat. Phil's party was cancelled because Maria got sick. Phil talks about Laura Ingle and New Orleans. Dr. Dean Edell takes calls from listeners in pain. Dr.Edell doesn't know any symptoms. Father James McQuarters explains what it was like when he was a cop.

Hour 2:

Bob Greene is taking a two ton truck of supplies to New Orleans, but he won't go unless he gets press coverage.

Hour 3:

Jeff Dowder thinks New Orleans should be rebuilt as tree houses. Phil says donate money to Salvation Army not the Red Cross, and talks about how everything has to be politicized when a tragedy occurs. Doug Danger says Disneyland has kept New Orleans Square open. He believes they should get out of the entertainment business because it's insensitive. Phil talks about the death of Bob Denver, flooding in New Orleans, and Google Maps.


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