Tuesday, September 30, 2014

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Phil is still recovering from his flu shot, so we’ve got another “Best Of” for today’s comedic pleasure.

The podcast starts with Dean Wheeler, live from the “Eggs, Pork, and You” in Palos Verdes to talk about his alleged killing of Wiff Bailey, the Elcott tracker that attached tracking wires to Emerelda’s v*****. Dean claims that Bailey is alive and well and that Elcott-The Next Step is a big joke concocted by Ed Elcott for his private amusement.

Then Bobbie Dooley joins us to discuss the upcoming Summertacular, an annual celebration of all things summer. She also discusses her recent celebrity interview with Dr. Drew; naturally, this upsets Margaret, and the two get into a heated exchange.

The new online YouTube fad of “Fire Challenge” is discussed with Coach Vernon Dozier saying the only real way to prove yourself is to stand there and burn while reading the Gettysburg Address. Not light yourself on fire and then run and jump into a pool…

The Ebola outbreak and the ways it can be transmitted was addressed by Dr. Jim Sadler. He was reluctant to at first though unless he was given his due as a doctor and therefore a member of the only profession that could help the human race with the disease. So he wanted some expressions of gratitude from the crew before he would answer questions…

Closing the show was Father James McQuarters, who talked about pre-destination and whether Phil’s comfort level on stage means he was “destined” to be there rather than radio. The discussion then got around to the topic of “pa-GAN” worship…

Episode 218 from The World of Phil Hendrie podcast.


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