Tuesday, October 19, 2010

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It was Ted Bell tonight, president of the Beverly Hills Automoble Association, protesting the high number of tickets police seem to give to drivers in Mercedes and other "HPV" cars (High-performance vehicles) Ted feels that if a man drives an HPV (His is a 55 T-Bird, two-tone) he is more likely to drive safely. Why would he want to wreck a beautiful car while people that drive "Smart Cars and PT Cruisers probably can't wait to wreck them."

Later it was Harvey Weirman, retired attorney. Phil discussed with Harvey the case of a firefighter putting the video of a fatality crash on YouTube and how the victims parents saw it. Harvey mentioned a case he's involved in. An old man drove his car into a "vegetable mart" while the man's grandson video-recorded the whole event, then later gave it a soundtrack and put it on YouTube. "That's different though" said Harvey. "The kid did that to reach out to anyone his grandfather hit so they could get their contact info. Not to pay for damages. Just to acknowledge they did in fact contact his grandfathers car in an unfortunate manner and he and his grandfather are sorry they did that."


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