Tuesday, October 13, 2009

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Hour 1: Bobbie Dooley comes on the program. She says that kids are big Obama supporters and that puts them at odds with their parents. Bobbie is giving girls Obama tattoos right below their panty line. Then a bar owner in Georgia puts up an anti-Obama sign.

Hour 2: There is more controversy about Rush Limbaugh wanting to buy a piece of the St. Louis Rams. Then Phil takes some phone calls.

Hour 3: Steve Bosell comes on to talk about Zero Tolerance in schools. He is reacting to a story about a 6 year old boy who brings a camping knife to school and gets suspended for it. Steve's son, Steve Jr., had a similar experience. He saw a fellow classmate with a milky red substance that looked like it was oil based. He thought it was a bomb so he tackled the boy and got suspended for it. Steve is suing the school for it. Then the stories we couldn't get to.


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