Tuesday, November 30, 2010

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We had Bobbie Dooley and Steve Dooley joining us from the Western Estates Parent Teacher Organization talking about a crossing guard at a cross walk in front of their security gates. Bobbie said that this crossing guard needs to make sure the kids are cleared off the crosswalk when the gates open and "a parade of black sedans with tinted windows come streaming out in the morning. Those are men going to their jobs as investment bankers and consultants." One morning even Bobbie came sailing out at 40 miles an hour. The crossing guard had to grab a kid and dive into a nearby ditch to avoid being hit. Bobbie said she thought the guard was "playing, going right and then left daring me to hit her. So I said, 'Okay, I'll play.'"

Next up was Don Berman stopping by our show long enough to tell Phil that this Wikileaks story and the special that Channel 19 has planned on it for next week will resurrect his career after a drunk diving and ht and run arrest this year put a serious crimp in it. And that on the heels of the paternity suit in 2009.  Has Don read the leaked documents? No but what's that got to do with it?


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