Tuesday, November 23, 2004

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Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Hour 1: Dean Wheeler claims his inner peace and harmony was raped out of him by a trucker who honked at him / Phil plays “Rate The Bit” to evaluate the previous Dean Wheeler bit. Bud & David contribute / Phil talks about his meeting with Rush Limbaugh at Brian Glicklich’s wedding. Bud & David contribute.

Hour 2: Art Bell General Johnson Jameson believes that Pamela Anderson has Big Foot living in her underwear / Bob Bakian Breaking news about mad cow disease and the image of the Virgin Mary found in a cheese sandwich / Craig Hardy Once again, Craig presents news he overheard in a bar.

Hour 3: Lloyd Bonafide wants Dan Rather charged for treason. Dan once soiled a nurse with his oily charm in 1968.


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