Tuesday, November 22, 2005

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Hour 1:

Bob Greene owner of Frazier foods is on to discuss turkeys. Tune in too see what happens when Bob announces he is offering frozen turkeys and calling them fresh at a higher cost. Will the audience agree or disagree?

Hour 2:

Jay Santos of the Citizens Auxiliary Police is on to discuss what he will be doing to help out this Thanksgiving season. HE thinks it is abnormal to be alone on Thanksgiving, and decides he will investigate all of those that are not with friends or family members. What will the audience think when Jay says this?

Hour 3:

Phil plays a listener flashback called Michael Moore from 5-26-04. Phil announces the C.D. signing in Arcadia, CA at Dave & Busters. Be there to get your Best of 2005 signed by Phil and watch him do what he does every night on the air live!


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