Tuesday, November 1, 2005

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Hour 1:

Margaret Gray is in South Florida raising money for the Hurricane Wilma relief. Charlie, a caller, asks if they found Natalie Holloway yet. Margaret Gray and Lloyd Bonafide call in. Lloyd finally finished "I've Gotta Rock". Roland Schwinn comes on to discuss his organization "Diet Challenged". They take exception to fat suit movies. Jeff Dowder joins Phil to discuss Connie Chung's flight with the Blue Angels. He says it was not Connie Chung it just looked like her, because of the G-force. It was really Greta Van Susteren.

Hour 2:

Art Griego is on because he wrote a book called "The Art of Control." Why did he write the book, you ask? Because he wanted to share with others how he got his wife under control. Art demands his wife have a piping hot meal on the table when he gets home no matter what is going on in her day. Callers are outraged and think he is a typical control freak with no educational background to back his stupid book.

Hour 3:

A caller named Ray claims Phil left a voice message for him and his wife at a Sushi restaurant on Saturday night, Phil doesn't remember. Phil discusses tequila because a listener e-mailed asking him what he thinks about Presidente Tequila. If you listen to the show long enough you'll know Phil loves Don Julio Blanco and will drink nothing else.


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