Tuesday, May 18, 2010

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Best Of

This log represents the classic Phil Hendrie Shows that aired over our video feed:

Nov 23rd 1999--"Mano E Mano, Drink to Drink" Steve Bosell took his family to a restaurant and ended up going head to head in a drinking contest with his 18 year old son to teach him a lesson about alcohol. Steve is humiliated that his his son drank him under the table.

Mar 21st 2000 Hour 2:---"Guns In the Household" 68-year old gun owner Lloyd Bonifide claims it keeps his mind sharp and adrenaline up when he leaves a loaded weapon somewhere in the house with his 5-year old grandson. *Featuring the classic clip "Lloyd fights his way off hold."

Dec 9th 2005: Vernon Dozier is working at a mall as "That Son of A Bitch" Santa. He is upset because kids keeping farting in his lap.

June 22nd 2006: Ted Bell of Ted's of Beverly Hills says that people who dine at his restaurant are first class, that's why he doesn't allow his customers to take a doggy bag home when they leave.


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