Tuesday, March 9, 2010

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Hour 1: There is more talk about the Eric Massa story. Doug Danger, gay man and gay journalist, thinks that people perceive Massa to be homosexual. Doug thinks that Massa had been railroaded by the republicans and democrats. Just because a guy winds up in bed with another guy doesn't mean that he's gay.

Hour 2: Don Berman is on to talk about Rush Limbaugh saying he would move to Costa Rica if the healthcare bill passed. Don doesn't think he or his rabid conservative fan base have the guts to do it. At the end of the hour Phil has some comments about Sean Penn.

Hour 3: Bobbie Dooley wants to talk about the trainer that got killed by the whale at Sea World. The family doesn't want the tapes of this incident released to the public. Bobbie thinks they should be released. She wants to see it because she got to see the footage of 911 and Pearl Harbor. She says we need closure. News at the end of the hour.

Show log by Bonnie Kliewer


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