Tuesday, March 7, 2006

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Hour 1:

Raj Feneen swears the child pornography found on his computer by police isn't his...He says his neighbor hacked in and put it there because he hates Arabs and has "a mind clogged with grease from fast food."....

Hour 2:

Alf calls in from Miami, he runs a deli that is serving the "Hendrie Dog" in honor of Phil. Lloyd calls in with an opposing view. Police officer Ben Rathman says the Oscar Meyer Weiner Mobile had an attempted hijacking. RC Collins checks in with a question about TV coroners. Phil discusses the movie "Punk Attitude", Lil Ian Anderson calls in to talk about the beginning of punk rock in London. Hal & Viola check in to see how Phil's doing since the passing of his mother.

Hour 3:

Bobbie Dooley found a Burmese cat that belongs to her neighbor but she refuses to return it to its owner.


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