Tuesday, July 6, 2010

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Don Parsley, the bullshit artist extraordinaire, visited our show this evening. His was a tale of woe, losing his commercial fishing business to Obama's mishandling of the BP Oil Disaster. His son got "smeared," while his daughter got sick "from the smell." So he packed his starving family up and brought them to California in the hopes that his story would interest "Harpo Productions," meaning Oprah. Phil offers Don a job painting his house but Don turns him down "because if Harpo calls I have to be able to reach my phone." When asked by a caller why Don doesn't have his wife answer the phone, Don says it's because his wife "would mess up a Chinese wet dream." David G. Hall also pays a visit to bust on Phil for letting the cat out of the bag....that syndicators pay radio stations to air their programs. Phil, Bud and Robert also spar over who is a movie star: Leonardo DiCaprio, Tim Hanks or Will Smith...


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