Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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A good night to see Phil have a meltdown on the videocast as he was screaming and yelling about phone calls, the big baby. Our first guest was none other than Bobbie Dooley talking about the death of Jack Tatum and what a great football player he was. "When Jack Tatum stepped on the field and he was at his best you knew someone was getting rolled home in an iron lung after the game." Bobbie also said that knowing a lot about football while being an attractive woman means you have to call other woman on how stupid they sound talking football and trying to keep up with her.

Next up, Dean Wheeler joined the show to tell Phil that if as great a fim maker as Oliver Stone believes Hitler may have been scapegoated over the Jews and that Hugo Chavez is an amazing guy, it would be foolish of us not to at least listen to what he has to say. Oliver Stone is the greatest film maker of his generation and if he says that the Jews didn't have it near as bad as the Russians in WW2 then we at least should stop what we're doing, have a seat and see what the man has to say. Bud and Robert read him the riot act at the end of the hour. Next hour, Bud did his "Bud Dickman Nightly Report."


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